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March 11, 2012



That is THE dream shopping trip. I love their website.


It is so nice to catch up with you. Your lace shawls are very inspiring! I'd like to knit one but I can't seem to decide; Sweet Lily Shawl is the one I like most so far.

Your cats (in the previous post) are so big! I remember when they were tiny kittens. We just adopted a new cat and I hope to post her photo shortly.

Rachel Cook

That sounds like a fun trip (and how jealous am I that you live only 40 minutes from that store!!). Your haul looks amazing. As do your two knits. I've been eying that spectrum shawl...and the colors you chose look fantastic.

The best thing about my Stripe Study is the Madelinetosh Tosh Light...I'm trying to resist the urge to buy more it is such a scrumptious yarn!

Dee K

Cool projects. I love Spectra. Very pretty, or should I say handsome since it was for a guy.

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