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March 17, 2010



Too late for the contest, but congratulations! We're in the same class! It's actually fairly amazing how many of us started blogging at almost the same time.


Happy Blogiversary! I hope there's many more! I guess 146 pairs. I'm having trouble imagining that many pairs of hand knit socks. :)


One meeeeelion socks!!


happy Blogiversary!


Congratulations on your blogiversary- those of us who are still at it need to stick together!
I counted 145.

Diana T

Happy Blogiversary!
My guess, 144. Thanks for the fun, Jane!


Happy Blogiversary! I still prefer blogs over Ravelry, so hopefully at least the two of us will be around for a while. :)

Good luck to everyone in the contest!


First things first...Happy Blogiversary!! I'm glad that you are sticking around this space and am looking forward to more years! Like you, blogging is still the online medium that just fits me the best.

My count is 144 (assuming you mean full-sized socks and not booties!). I of course would love to win the 'correct number' package because it's so great, but the main reason I wanted to enter was to see for myself what number you are up to now! :) Your dedication to sock knitting is so impressive to me! So you must wear hand-knit socks every single day?

That was fun...


Congratulations on your blog's birthday! And on knitting 145 pairs of socks. That is very impressive!


wow, i seem to be a lot smaller in number than others. I have these as your 71st pair (including booties)
happy 6th blogiversary!!


143? (Matching pairs, not counting booties.)

Happy blogiversary!


I counted 145th, but I'm not all that good at counting -- at least not in knitting. ;)

Happy Blogiversary!


Not really a clue, but I'll go along with 145 pairs.

Happy Blogiversary...i'll keep on reading it.


Happy Blogiversary! It been great meeting you and I wish you many more blog years. I guess 146 without the booties.


I just finished a pair in that exact same color today!


Happy blogiversary dear friend! I always look forward to your beautiful photographs of your wonderful knitting....
I'll be a faithful reader, as always....xox
LOVE those SMOOSHY green socks!


I'm not entering, but how could I resist wishing you a happy blogiversary! :)


I'm glad to have met you Jane! Congrats on 6 years of blogging! (I won't be entering the contest but I can't wait to see who won)


I say 144, also known by the not very complimentary term, one GROSS.
Congrats Jane, and a Happy Saint Patrick's to you too.

Mary Ellen

Guessimate = #146 - keep on knitting AND blogging - CONGRATS!


Happy blogiversary, Jane. That's a lot of blogging! AND - a lot of socks.

Hope there are many more happy years of blogging and knitting in your future.


145 pair of socks not counting booties! LOL LOVED looking at your completed projects. At the rate I knit socks I would have to live to be 200yrs old!

Janice in GA

I won't enter the contest, but I WILL wish you a happy blogiversary!


Happy Bloggiversary! You have knit more socks than anyone else I know. I'm wearing green socks today, too!


I choose 145 completed pairs. Congratulations!

Laura Gosnell

That took me way longer than it should.

148 (or 149, if you count the baby booties).

Congrats on bloginess (and lots of socks)!


I think it's 146 pairs. I'm so happy to know you! Happy Blogiversary!


145th pair. Congratulations.

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