I had a fabulous trip to Boston. There were no lines or airport delays on either end, and going up, I even had the whole three-seat row to myself. Amazing! The two hour flight and unimpeded space allowed me to finish the current pair of socks.
- Pattern is Crusoe from Knitty. I think it worked really well with the variegated yarn, which is:
- Saucy from Numma-Numma. The colorway is Ginger Spice, and the fiber is 100% merino. This stuff is so soft, it knits into little pillows for your feet!
This pair of socks will be on display at Knitch very soon (hopefully Wednesday or Thursday.) While you are there gazing at their splendor, you can get some Saucy (or Toasty) for your very own!
After I got to the hotel on Friday, I had a few hours to relax before joining my friend and all the rest of the gang for the rehearsal dinner, so I did some small knitting.
Awww! Little egg cozies for Jim. After 35 years of marriage, he's learned a new trick, and has decided he likes making soft boiled eggs on the weekend. So I bought him a couple of egg cups, and now he can dine in style. I found the pattern through a Google search and found out there are many, many patterns out there. This is the one I used.
The rehearsal dinner at a brew pub near Harvard University was a lot of fun, mostly because I got to spend so much time with my best friend (it was her daughter who was getting married.) Katie and I have been friends ever since Kelly and Cory were in first grade together. When the kids were 12 or 13, she and her family moved to Charlotte, NC, and then on to Boston. She's now living in Minneapolis, and you can imagine that we haven't often had the chance for back and forth visits. But through email, we've managed to stay close. Katie is the one person in my life who knows all there is to know aout me. She's everything a friend should be, and she means the world to me. It was so special to be able to share here daughter's wedding with her.
Saturday, Katie was busy helping Kelly get ready for the wedding, so I had most of the day to myself. So what else was a knitter to do but go in search of local yarn shops? I began my trek toward two I found online by stopping to take some photos at an historic graveyard just a block from the hotel. Among ordinary colonists lay the remains of Paul Revere, Samuel Adams, and Mother Goose. I'm always fascinated by old cemeteries, and enjoyed my walk through this one, despite the deep snow and my lack of appropriate footwear. Here's a photo of Mother Goose's grave.
Then I headed around the Boston Common, along Beacon Hill, and finally to Newberry Street, which is lined with old buildings housing shops and restaurants. My first stop was Newberry Yarns. It was a small shop with a nice selection of yarn and books. Keeping in mind my very limited suitcase space, I bought only one skein of yarn. Sock yarn, of course.
Then I ran across Knit & Needlepoint. While the selection there was rather limited, she did have a large basket full of sock yarns. This is the one I choose.
As you can see, I started a sock, but have to say, I really dislike this yarn. The way it is pooling does not make me happy, and the yarn is somewhat coarse. It has since been rewound onto the ball to sit in the stash until I decide what to do with it. Rats.
I came back toward the hotel, walking through the Public Garden and Boston Commons. Both were full of people out enjoying the day - strolling, building snowmen, ice skating, and even having a game of catch on the snowy ball field. It was a brilliant day, and not really that cold. Perfect for a lovely walk.
My last stop was Windsor Button. I had asked the woman at Newberry Yarns if she thought it was worth a visit, and she was a bit lukewarm in her recommendation, but I was very glad I took the chance and went. While they obviously have more than a few buttons, they are also a craft store, and their yarn selection was bordering on huge. It was hard to decide what to get, but I finally settled on three little kits.
Isn't that cute! Here's the colors I bought.
I had to take the other kit out of the box to get it home.
As soon as I publish this post, I'm setting to work on one of the coin purses. Cory will be over later for a quiet dinner and some pre-Christmas help with a gift he's gotten for his girlfriend, but there's plenty of time for knitting before that.
The wedding was so beautiful. Small and quiet, held in the historic Old State House, it was everything a wedding should be. Followed by the reception on the 33rd floor of a very modern office building, where we partied until after midnight. Here's the bride and groom joining the party.
They are so obviously in love, and their happiness infected all of us. I was designated the "official" photographer, and although the prospect scared me silly, I had a wonderful time trying to capture the fun. They are now basking in the warmth of Hawaii and having what I know must be the very best time.
So, that was my adventure for this week. Tomorrow is, of course, Christmas. Presents will be opened with Jim, Cory, and my mom in the morning, and then Cory's girlfriend Laura and her family will join us for dinner. There will then be two days to recuperate and get ready for our trip to Arizona. Whew!!
May I say once again how much I value all of you. I hope this holiday season brings you joy, peace, happiness, and much love! And yarn in your stockings, of course. Merry Christmas, everyone!!!
So glad you enjoyed your trip to snowy Boston! I haven't knit with anything from J. Knits yet, but her colors are just beautiful. Did the wedding reception take place in the BU Club at 60 State Street by any chance??
Posted by: Danielle | January 03, 2008 at 10:32 AM
That sounds like such a fun trip! I love seeing Mother Goose's grave stone. I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and are enjoying Arizona at this very moment:)
Posted by: deb | December 29, 2007 at 06:12 PM
I hope you had a wonderful time in Boston, though the temperature change must have been a shock! And now you're off to Arizona to enjoy more warm weather (lucky you). I hope you had a very Merry Christmas, and have a happy and healthy New Year with much yarn and knitting time.
Posted by: Debby | December 28, 2007 at 05:35 PM
Merry Christmas! What a nice trip. I like those socks, and the egg cozies. I don't eat soft boiled eggs but I'm getting the urge to dress up eggs. :) I didn't realize there was a real Mother Goose.
Posted by: Sydney | December 27, 2007 at 07:32 PM
Whooah, all that travel - I'm very rootbound, but Boston sounds wondrous! I've never been either, but if I do go, the cemeteries will be at the top of the list. I LOVE studying through them, and of course we have few that old here in Wisconsin. Thank you for sharing your trip! I'd be much happier in Boston than AZ -- but enjoy!
Posted by: dale-harriet in WI | December 27, 2007 at 09:17 AM
OH it sounds like a lovely trip. And my goodness who did you have to bribe to have the good airfare experience? That is unheard of at this time of year.
What cute egg cozies. So after the egg goes in the egg cup, do you put the egg cozie on the top to keep it warmer longer? This is a question that has always burned, well for the last 5 seconds, burned depp in my brain. :-)
Posted by: Rebekah | December 26, 2007 at 05:54 PM
It sounds like your trip could not have been more perfect. I have goosebumps reading about it. How wonderful for you to reconnect with your old friend. Great new stash too, and love those socks!!!!
Posted by: Trish | December 25, 2007 at 10:09 PM
Beautiful socks, Jane. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas. Best wishes to you for a happy and healthy New Year!!!
Posted by: Elizabeth | December 25, 2007 at 08:45 PM
I've been wanting to make socks with that yarn! How do you think it will wear? And what was your needle size/gauge? Merry Christmas!
Posted by: Kim | December 25, 2007 at 07:15 PM
Wow what a trip!!! I'm so glad you had fun and that you had some time to relax and take in the sights as well. I LOVE those little kits you bought!!! Those look like they'd be a lot of fun! Good thing you stopped by huh?
Now on to Arizona for more fun and relaxation. And more yarn shopping!
Here's to a great 2008!
Posted by: Lynn | December 25, 2007 at 04:11 PM
I really like the stitch pattern on the Crusoe socks. Boston is on my list of places to visit. Love your pictures!
Posted by: Robin | December 25, 2007 at 01:05 PM
Merry Christmas Jane!
Posted by: Karen | December 25, 2007 at 11:49 AM
Merry Christmas!! Ok, I had no idea that Mother Goose was a real person - how cool. I'm glad you had such a great trip! Hee hee - and here I was thinking that looked like cool yarn you were knitting those socks from. I have one of the Woolly Bullies catnip mouse kits and should really knit a few mice from it very, very soon. :)
Posted by: Chris | December 25, 2007 at 10:46 AM
Much joy to you, Jane! Happy 2008!
Posted by: Jane | December 25, 2007 at 08:01 AM
Merry Christmas Jane!
Posted by: Mouse | December 24, 2007 at 11:27 PM
I'm glad you had such a good time at your best friend's daughter's wedding. I went to Boston for the first time in May and I only visited one yarn store while I was there, Windsor Button, and I thoroughly enjoyed shopping there.
Posted by: Wanda | December 24, 2007 at 10:53 PM
Sounds like you had a great time in Boston. I've never been there, but would like to go some day. (especially to kick around in the snow - I'm so jealous!) I had no idea there was an actual "Mother Goose"! I guess I just thought she was made up like all the nursery rhymes. Anyway, glad you're back safe and sound. Hope you have a wonderful holiday!
Posted by: famous steve | December 24, 2007 at 09:27 PM
It looks like such a fun trip. I am glad that you enjoyed it so much!
Posted by: J.P. | December 24, 2007 at 07:08 PM
You have been one BUSY girl!!!
Didn't you get to go to Woolcott and Company while you were up in Boston? If you didn't, you must go there next time. It's in Cambridge on Harvard Sq. (if I remember correctly).
Have a great trip to AZ and we'll "see" you in 2008! :-)
Posted by: Dee | December 24, 2007 at 06:32 PM